

Before you start to wonder, yes there was a penalty called on this one! Tonight was a fun shoot for me. I know of many photographers that complain about shooting soccer but I am far from one of them. In fact soccer is one of my favorite sports to shoot. The opportunities are endless to capture something unique, if you have the eye and the attitude for it. Much like volleyball or baseball, the action can change instantly and you have to have a quick eye and a very good feel for the sport to capture images like the one below. One thing I've taught myself over the past few years with sports photography is never ever ever be happy with the ordinary shot, the shot that happens 10, 20, 100 times a game. Instead strive to find something unique. I've been fortunate this year with soccer. I've got two new contest worthy images but I know it was because I didn't attempt the ordinary, I looked for the extraordinary. Granted I'm not the best by any means but it sure is fun trying to create the next great image! 


The referee

A man approached me just as I was putting the finishing touches on my camera setup before this weeks Jewell vs Park game. He seemed impressed on where we were putting the camera and asking questions about what type of pictures it would take. Of course, I had a few wireless transmitted on my laptop which I showed him. At that moment I asked him if he was a coach for Park. He responded, "No, no I'm just a referee for the women's game." Inside I laughed hysterically because I was talking to the very person that could get mad and tell me to take it down. Instead I proceeded to impress him with how sturdy it was and gave him my WJphoto.com business card. Goes to show, whether or not you know who you are talking to,  be nice and don't be afraid to strike up a conversation.